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2:00PM Water Cooler 6/10/2024

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Sedge Warbler, ‘thy’ Denmark. “Habitat: Swamp.” Virtuousic! * * * Patient readers, I’ve had an enormous scheduling debacle, and so must sacrifice Water Cooler to complete a post on an important court decision by the California Ninth Circuit…

Ninth Circuit Supports Jacobson Public Health Doctrine, But Accepts “Non-Traditional” Covid Vaccines May In Fact Be Treatments (and Hence Should Not Have Been Mandated)

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. The instant case for this post is the Ninth Circuit’s “Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc. v. Alberto Carvalho” (PDF), Alberto M. Carvalho being the Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), hereafter “Carvalho,” Health Freedom Defense…

TOTW: “Normies”

It's near impossible to imagine a current day anarchism that leverages our collective isolation into something meaningful. Anarchists have retired from our positions as missionaries who spread the good word to awaken the latent spirit of common folk, and instead vow to resume our rightful battle stations…

Autonomy and Persistence Against Prisons

Via Abolition Media by Mónica Caballero Almost a month ago I was transferred to the prison where I will have to serve my sentence, the CPF in Santiago. This prison has a rather atypical structure compared to other prisons in this territory since in some areas it maintains the foundations of the old…

War on Anarchism – Bill Beech

War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense. The machinery of government sets…

CAUSING MAYHEM WITH FIRE EXTINGUISHERS (in your own room of course!)

We love promoting new ways to express your art (and defo not to cause enormous paint covering in speciesist businesses) so if you have been wondering about how you can paint places quickly, we have a great recipe for yo: How to fill fire extinguishers with paint! Note that PalAction actually wrote an…

How to print your own punk patches

We often get requests to print patches. While we don’t offer these products yet, here is how to use the customization feature to make your own patches. 1.  Use the customization feature to create your t-shirt. 2.  Add as many designs as you want on the same t-shirt without additional cost. 3.  Use…

Şerker: Action is the only way against fascism

Member of the PKK Youth Committee, Ozgur Şerker, says that the only way to struggle against fascism is through action. He said “Action is not only in the streets, education is also action, organization is also an action, and these all do service to even larger actions.” Şerker mentioned that the…

Grab yourself some merch and support the susaron prisoners today!

Back in 2022, a Susaron owned meat packaging plant in Chile was attacked. Six lorries and part of the refrigerated unit were burn to the ground. Some time later four anarchist and antispeciesist individuals were arrested and sent to prison awaiting trial in connection with the arson attack. One of those…

Canadian mining companies want Argentina’s minerals

Since taking office in December 2023, Argentina’s libertarian president Javier Milei has pushed a wide-ranging deregulation of the country’s mineral industry. In these efforts, he has the support of the world’s leading capitalists, including Elon Musk, whom Milei claims called him after his election…

Shut the System and Palestine Action smash 20 Barclays branches

Bank targeted for investments in fossil fuels and Israeli arms, in coordinated actions “from Glasgow to Brighton” Palestine Action and Shut the System, a direct action group targeting companies who finance climate chaos, say their activists “shattered glass, sprayed paint and stencilled” around…

Marius mason needs urgent support

Marius Mason is an activist serving a 22 year sentence after being found guilty of arson at a laboratory and on logging equipment. Marius was approved for gender affirming care in 2022 when he was moved to FCI Danbury, a male prison. He was then transported to FMC Fort Worth where he was supposed to…

اعتصاب پولمن، 1894 – جرمی برچر

اسناد کمون کرونشتات- مشتمل بر ایزوستیایِ کرونشتات و اطلاعیه های صادره از سوی کمیته موقت انقلابی ملوانان، سربازان و کارگران شهر کرونشتات هدف ما دامن زدن دیگرباره به تشتت…

‘We Need to Become Something That Politicians Fear’

A sweeping pro-worker bill, the PRO Act, just became law in Vermont. The story behind how it was passed—a years-long effort to build worker power—has national implications. By Paul Blest, More Perfect Union May 31, 2024 In a legislative cycle that has seen both considerable leaps forward and enormous…


Today is the day to pay tribute, and offer support, to anarchists locked up by the state. We salute comrades fighting for the liberation of animals, friends who today cannot join us in the fight, outside the prison walls, because they are serving long prison terms. Comrades like Marius, Sindre, and folks…

The alf sends a message to a beef restaurant.

5th June, Copenhagen Denmark. Received anonymously via email: “A restaurant in Copenhagen called “Beef” (Bøf) was covered in messages and red paint. This disgusting speciesist place has pieces of animal corpses hanging as decorations. Even their name says how speciesists they are. We must fight…

The Russian Endgame in Ukraine and European Resistance to “Right Wing” Advances: A Thought Experiment

As most of you know well by now, the so-called European right wing made substantial, even in cases stunning, gains in European parliament elections. This would seem to take some of the wind out of the sails of those wanting to escalate against Russia. But we’ll describe a scenario below that they could…

Immigrant Detained and Abused at CISSS de Laval

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info Our friend Juba Mahiou, an immigrant to Canada, has been locked up for over six months at Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de Laval. After an argument where police were called, they detained him under the guise of ‘mental health treatment,’…

Links 6/10/2024

Yellowstone National Park calls for more bison in new plan Montana Free Press Landslide leads to ‘catastrophic failure’ of popular Wyoming mountain pass highway Fox Weather UPDATE: It has gotten a lot worse. WYDOT has announced a long term closure due to “catastrophic failure” [link]…

The Desire to Be “Your Own Boss” in America

Yves here. In my usual role as house skeptic, I have to pour a some cold water on Wolf Richter’s enthusiastic endorsement for running your own business and the generally hyping of being an entrepreneur as virtuous….for what I think are not great reasons. Note that this occurs in Wolf’s articles…

Book Review: Truth and Consequences for Medical Whistleblowers

By Elizabeth Svoboda is the author of “What Makes a Hero?: The Surprising Science of Selflessness.” Originally published at Undark. Carl Elliott, in his own estimation, is a gutless wonder. When the University of Minnesota bioethicist was a medical student, he was ordered to do a bone marrow biopsy…

Sunak’s electioneering train-wreck

The campaign has gone so badly, there are rumours Sunak might not even be prime minister when polling day arrives Almost 30 years ago I listened intently at my first politics lecture. The teacher told us not to be too cynical about politics or politicians and to remember that most people get involved…

Estinzione – Self-Titled

Artist: Estinzione Title: Self-Titled Release: Digital Year: 2024 Label: Self-Released The grindcore scene in Italy has always been notably strong and politically militant, featuring classic acts like Comrades, Neid, Repulsione, and many others. Today, we introduce a promising new band from Bologna…

Israeli Rescue Operation Massacres Hundreds of Palestinians, Top Military and Political Leaders Resign

Nuseirat Refugee Camp, Gaza, Palestine — Nearly 300 Palestinians were killed and over 700 wounded during a large-scale Israeli military operation to recover four hostages held by Hamas in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza on June 8. Gaza’s health ministry said 64 children, 57 women, and 37…

ANews Podcast 367 – 6.7.24

From ANews Podcast Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: Spotify | RSS Welcome to this week’s podcast. This podcast is on anarchist activity, ideas, and comments from the previous week on What’s New w/ chisel & M’lou! A reading from theanarchistlibrary: An excerpt…

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