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‘Those who make half a Revolution only dig their own graves’ the Situationists since 1969 – Christopher Gray

"Nous vivons en enfants perdus nos aventures incomplĂštes." Debard - Hurlements en faveur de Sade [either “We live our incomplete adventures like lost children” or “We live like lost children, our adventures incomplete” - or both?] May 1968 and France on the verge of anarchy ... An atmosphere…

Preface – Richard Parry

Leaving the 20th Century has assumed almost mythical status since its disappearance from circulation some twenty years ago.However, its position as one of the seminal texts of situationist ideas is peculiar to English readers. as only 4.000 copies were ever produced and its distribution was mainly limited…

Art Young’s Dangerous Cartoons

Art Young, The Masses, December 1915. After President Woodrow “He Kept Us Out of the War” Wilson, recently the subject of a fawning piece in the Atlantic by David Frum, brought the U.S. into World War I, dissenters became targets. The passage of the Espionage and Sedition Acts gave prosecutors broad…

Learning from Organizers – Kerri Claire Neil

Kerri Claire Neil (she/her) is a community organizer based in St. John's, Ktaqamkuk (Newfoundland). She is Co-Chair of the Social Justice Co-operative of Newfoundland and Labrador (SJCNL) and recently took over her family's business, Downtown Comics. Currently, Kerri is actively involved in Tent City…

The EU’s Outsourced Migration Control Is Violent, Expensive and Ineffective

Yves here. Perhaps I am reflexively contrarian, so I hope readers in Europe and/or those who know the Middle East and North Africa will weigh in to sanity check this article. On the one hand, it seems entirely credible that a policy of handing dough to foreign countries to have them keep their emigrants…

Links 6/6/2024

Gorilla Mother Constantly Reminding Children To Slouch The Onion Climate Temperature rise ‘unprecedented in the instrumental record’ Climate & Capitalism ‘Godfathers of climate chaos’: UN chief urges global fossil-fuel advertising ban Guardian Giant viruses found on Greenland ice sheet Science…

‘Shake in your shoes bureaucrats ‘ the Situationists 1965-1969 – Christopher Gray

By the mid sixties the situationist project had taken on its definitive form. The SI was to be a small, tightly knit group of revolutionaries devoted to forging a critique of contemporary, that is to say, consumer capitalism—and to publicising this critique by every form of scandal and agitation possible…

Mount Sinai Eye & Ear Nurses Rally for Layoff Plan as Beth Israel Shutdown Looms

Yves here. This post about New York City hospitals and clinics may seem a bit parochial, but I anticipate that for American readers, it may evoke discussion of hospital closures and service cutbacks in their area. Plus nurses have been particularly effective at organizing, so it seems useful to support…

Georgia Appeals Court Halts Trump Election Interference Case

Yves here. It is a sign of how deeply partisan news reporting has become, above all in matters Trump, that I feel compelled to point a few things out, as unpopular as that might be in some circles. First, even Trump has due process rights. Fights over procedure, which can include getting seemingly strained…

In Virginia, Data Centers Collide with Zero-Carbon Goals

Yves here. This post on data centers and their energy costs is another “micro illuminating the macro” piece, along with our post today on Mount Sinai. We and other sites have been pointing out the well-anticipated development, that AI and crypto are producing even more computer use, to the degree…

The colonial breach and the colonial bind

The ruse of international law has no means of ending the killing—Western states are supporting Israel to reassert their colonial agency From Interregnum Whatever the contentions on the term we use to express the scale and method of killing we are witnessing in Gaza, the description at the International…

Endgame for Beginners: The US push to retain empire is part of an older plan

It has come to this: Americans on 25 November are likely to send to Capitol Hill as their forty-seventh president either an 82-year-old who often stumbles, mentally, verbally and physically, or a 78-year-old whose vocabulary and truthfulness are limited and who faces multiple charges of corruption. The…

Unsettling Scorsese’s Killers

Killers of the Flower Moon, dir. Martin Scorsese (2023), written by Eric Roth and Martin Scorsese, adapted from the book by David Grann Killers of the Flower Moon is set during the interwar years in Oklahoma, when a string of murders of First Nations Osage people were committed. Adapted from David Grann’s…

Affinity, organization and anarchy

Submission Do you know what an affinity group is? Are you wondering what there is to do now that the encampments are gone? Are you thinking about how we strengthen our movements to prepare for more social upheaval through this coming year? If any of these questions interest you, we’ll be reflecting…

Newsletter: Top Articles Of The Week – June 6, 2024

This newsletter was sent to 44,935 subscribers. Subscribe to our newsletter to get a weekly email summary with the most popular articles Anarchist news from 600+ collectives 🏮 Anarchist Federation 252 articles were published this week. Here are the most popular news of the week. Visit the website…

Amsterdam: One Year Takland Vrijstraat

June 14, 15 & 16, 2024, TAKLAND 1 YEAR FESTIVAL – TAKLAND 4 EVER [link] ONE YEAR (and a bit) TAKLAND WAS FOUNDED AND EXPANDED. On the 27th of April 2023, the puppet-mayor, puppet-king and a member of puppet-parliament came together in the Taksteeg to come up with a plan to make as much money from the…

Submission: Storrow Drive Bridge Redecoration

We received the following message in an email: “An autonomous group of artists and queers kicked off Pride by redecorating the Fairfield pedestrian bridge over Storrow Drive. Boston commuters are reminded that their tax dollars continue to fund the ceaseless genocide and the maintenance the Israeli…

Race Treason and May 28th: A Reflection on the George Floyd Uprising

What follows is a transcription of a recent talk given in Tucson, Arizona by a participant in the George Floyd Uprising in Minneapolis in 2020. The speaker recalls the events of the rebellion before offering analysis on how, through a counter-insurgent leveraging of race politics, it was eventually put…

Indigenous Zapotecs Denounce Militarization and Other Consequences of Line K of the Interoceanic Corridor

Cover image: Residents of UniĂłn Hidalgo peacefully protest against the cutting down of trees on communal lands for the renovation of Line K of the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In the Zapotec community of UniĂłn Hidalgo in the municipality of JuchitĂĄn in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec…

Laura Loomer Boasts That She Could Get A Job With Trump ‘On The Spot’

On the June 4, 2024 episode of her show, Loomer Unleashed, Trump ally Laura Loomer bristled at accusations that her defense of Donald Trump is motivated by a desire to work for him. Loomer insisted that she’s not motivated by “opportunistic reasons,” and that she’s “capable of walking into…

Podcast: from Palestine to Western Sahara

Benjamin Netanyahu’s gaffe on French TV, displaying a map of the “Arab Word” that showed the occupied (and illegally annexed) Western Sahara as a separate entity from Morocco, sparked a quick and obsequious apology from the Israeli Foreign Ministry. But the snafu sheds light on the mutual hypocrisy…

University of Denver Professor Resigns Over School’s Involvement in Palestine’s Genocide

Denver, CO — On Wednesday, a professor at the Graduate School of Social Work and an alumni of the Sturm College of Law, Z Williams, is publicly announcing their resignation from the University of Denver “on the basis of the school’s ongoing involvement in the US-funded genocide against the Palestinian…

An Update on the Sentencing of Anarchist Prisoner Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel and a Call for Action and Solidarity

Via Abolition Media Urgent call for solidarity! On Monday, June 3, 2024, one day after the elections and five days from marking 18 months of being kidnapped in the Reclusorio Oriente as part of the set up against the Okupache squat, our compañero was notified that the judge had sentenced him to seven…

Anarchist Comrade Paty RodrĂ­guez Released from Prison in Chile

Via Abolition Media In a hearing held on the morning of Monday, June 3, the anarchist comrade Paty RodrĂ­guez, was released from prison with a sentence of probation, after spending 10 months in prison, after being arrested in the framework of the attack on the Gendarmerie in December 2021. Preventive…

Temperature rise ‘unprecedented in the instrumental record’

The second annual Indicators of Global Climate Change report, which is led by the University of Leeds, reveals that human-induced warming has risen to 1.19 °C over the past decade (2014-2023) — an increase from the 1.14 °C seen in 2013-2022 (set out in last year’s report). Looking at 2023 in isolation…

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