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Athens, Greece: The final destruction of Exarcheia square has begun

Recently trucks have been unloading concrete bases at the Exarchia square construction site. They are the bases that will support the new sheets of the construction site extension. This development suffocates the streets around the square in a continuation of the general plan of desertification and gentrification…

“No deals with the henchmen of the capitalist state”

Interview with G20 defendant Gabi MĂŒller from Berlin From Rote Hilfe “There was no police violence”, declared Hamburg’s mayor at the time, Olaf Scholz, immediately after the end of the G20 summit in July 2017. There was also apparently no intention to criminalize the arrested participants in the…

On The Question of Modern Tasks and Tactics of the Russian Social-Democrats

FIRST LETTERDear comrades! Soon it will be 15 years since the birth of Russian Social Democracy. But not in Russia itself, in the heat of the heroic struggle of the revolutionary party against the government, but among a small group of emigrants who had been saved by the will of fate from the fate which…

Reading for 6/19

Returning to an old favorite, never to be exhausted. Walter Benjamin’s “Theses on the Philosophy of History” (pp. 253-264) gets the business.

Sklitakling – Self-Titled LP

Artist: Sklitakling Title: Sklitakling Release: LP / Digital Year: 2023 Label: Back to Beat Records Sklitakling’s album cover is an instant eye-grabber—a high-contrast image of sheer joy that transports you to a sweaty basement show even before you hit play. The bold yellow scribble of the band’s…

Sound On For Solidarity : 2024 3CR Radiothon

G’day my fellow Aussie patriots! Melbourne community radio station 3CR’s annual fundraiser runs throughout June. The station needs your support to continue to be an independent, community-controlled medium and — of course! — provide a space for Yeah Nah Pasaran! and scores of other shows: Folks…

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – 2008’s communiques

Communique on the arson against the French press agency (Athens, 3/12/2008) While the peaceful citizens where enjoying the coffee break of their inexistance in the paved street of Kolonaki, we set ourselves for once again under the “services” of destruction and prepared a new gift out of idyllic…

Sean Swain’s 2024 Statement

Abolish EVERYTHING By Anarchist Prisoner Sean Swain When I saw the parole board in August 2021, I had served 30 years in prison for what was provably an act of self defense, a noncrime. The lead fuckweasel on the parole board asked me about the circumstances of those events, and I shared with him my…

Pigasus Bound to Win – Stewart Albert

The presidential candidate causing the most uproar in Chicago currently is a 200-pound pig, Yippie presidential nominee.The pig represents the true essence of the candidates of both major parties—closet-pigs wearing men's clothing in public but making it in a gay mud-pen when the press is not around…

For James Morris Lawson Jr. (1928-2024)

James Lawson in Nashville, Tennessee, March 1, 1960 Paul Schleicher, Nashville Public Library Digital Collections A free man thinks of death least of all things, and his wisdom is a meditation of life, not of death. Baruch Spinoza, The Ethics I think that we have to lay the seeds by which we can take…

IWW Online Talk: An Introduction to Syndicalism

Join us for an online historical talk on 'An Introduction to Syndicalism'. This talk forms part of a series of online discussions created as part of the Industrial Workers of the World educational workshops for members and supporters. Our event will give an historical look at the origins of revolutionary…

Crucial Court Hearing for Miguel Peralta Scheduled for June 19

Call for solidarity for the unconditional freedom of Indigenous anarchist Miguel Peralta. To the people and organizations who have shown their solidarity in the demand for the unconditional freedom of Miguel Angel Peralta Betanzos, Indigenous Mazatec from the community of EloxochitlĂĄn de Flores MagĂłn…

Strikes, Building Occupations, Blockades and Direct Actions Continue to Spread in Solidarity with Palestine

While reports on student led protests have largely left the news cycle, new encampments, both on and off campus, the taking over of buildings, mass protests, organized blockades, and targeted direct actions – all in solidarity with Palestine as the state of Israel continues its murderous assault in…

Hostage rescue for Israelis; ‘massacre’ for Palestinians

A joint operation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Shin Bet, and Israeli police in the Nuseirat refugee camp of central Gaza on June 8 rescued four hostages—and killed over 200 Palestinians amid pitched gun-battles in a heavy populated area. The rescued hostages had been abducted from the Nova…

Tim Pool: ‘I Would Like To See 10,000 People’ Order ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ And ‘Leviticus’ Cakes

On The Culture War with Tim Pool, right-wing podcaster Tim Pool suggested people inundate their local bakeries with requests for cakes bearing far-right and bigoted slogans. Pool said that he wanted “10,000 people” to request “‘It’s Okay To Be White’ cakes, and some Leviticus cakes,” and…

2:00PM Water Cooler 6/11/2024

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Sedge Warbler, Parque Ambiental de Vilamoura, LoulĂ©, Faro, Portugal. “Fotos e vocalizaçÔes a adicionar.Aves a vocalizar ao mesmo tempo em sĂ­tios diferentes.” A child’s bicycle horn in there, somewhere? * * * In Case You Might Miss

The biggest banks are financing climate chaos

JP Morgan Chase is the #1 fossil fuel financier in the world Since the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world’s 60 largest private banks financed fossil fuels with USD $6.9 trillion. Nearly half – $3.3 trillion – went towards fossil fuel expansion. In 2023, banks financed $705 billion in fossil fuel…

IWW Amiens: ‘Our appeal for a Union against Fascism!’

“Union against Fascism! Fascism will not pass!”   Where are the words of the black berruriers today? ‘Never again 20%’, we exceeded 30% last night, and this can be seen everywhere in Europe. This result is only possible because of the many authoritarian, security-conscious and reactionary policies…

IWW WISE-RA 2024 Conference Report

The annual IWW WISE-RA Conference for 2024 took place last weekend across 3 days (24th – 26th May) in the city of Bristol UK. The Conference was attended by around 50 delegates and observers from branches all over the world and was opened with reports from Cyprus (CY-ROC), Germany and Austria (GLAM-ROC)…

RIP to anarchist poet & writer Vega aka “T”

Written by Flower Bomb One would think that after having years of experience with friends dying a sort of emotional de-sensitivity would develop. But it doesn’t. At least not for me. I hold my friends very close to my heart and make a point of checking in on them frequently. It is easy to do while…

Fuck the System – Abbie Hoffman

A subversive how-to pamphlet, put out by Abbie Hoffman in 1967 under the pseudonym of the "Mad Bomber" George Metesky, mostly containing info on how to obtain free stuff. Much of the pamphlet's contents would later find their way into Hoffman's book Steal This Book, which Hoffman eventually self-published…

Heatwave thirty years later – Not Bored!

This originally-mimeographed magazine, published in July 1966, was reprinted as a photocopy in 1993 by Chronos Publications (BM Chronos London WC1N 3XX). Though only two issues of Heatwave were ever published, it remains a noteworthy publication. In their November 1966 pamphlet "On the Poverty of Student…

Kangaroo evades Texas cops after daring escape

May 26, 2024 Officers with the Lufkin Police Department recently had a rare encounter with a member of the marsupial species native to Australia. On Sunday, police received a call about a kangaroo that was spotted hopping down Fuller Springs Drive. While officers made their way to the scene in their…

Antifascisim, Sports, Sobriety: Working-Class Culture and Red Vienna with Gabriel Kuhn

Podcast of Cosmonaut Magazine Ep. 183 Listen HERE Buy Antifascist, Sports, Sobriety We join Gabriel Kuhn, author of books like Soccer vs. the State and Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: Forging a militant working-class culture for a discussion on sports, sobriety and also the ways Austromarxism applied…

Santiago, $hile: 11 June – International Day of Solidarity with Long-term Anarchist Prisoners EN/ES

11TH JUNE INTERNATIONAL DAY IN SOLIDARITY WITH LONG-SENTENCED ANARCHIST PRISONERS At a time when the long arms of power seek out and strike hard at our comrades and surroundings, it is up to us to respond to these blows with greater strength and determination. And one of our most dangerous weapons is…

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