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Next on the White Power Chopping Block: Stephen Thomas Farrea

Pride Month begins tomorrow and if the Nationalist Social Club was really concerned about protecting children against predators with their protests, they could have left the drag queen events alone, saved some gas and went to the home of one of their members. A onetime member of a neo-fascist group formerly…

Small Island States conference rebukes developed nations

The president of the Fourth International Conference of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Gaston Alphonso Browne, accused wealthy nations of empty climate pledges on May 27, referring to a lack of financial help to developing countries, along with the inadequacy of carbon emission reduction efforts…

UK Election: Instead of voting, let’s organise to change something

Via : [link] Why vote?  Look at the person you are thinking of voting for, what makes them not look sound, or feel like any politician you’ve ever seen strutting and lying on your TV screens? What makes them so excel in virtues you don’t have that you should hand your power and autonomy over to…

Welcome to FUNY!

It’s a sunny day on campus in late spring. But on the main quad facing Convent Avenue, there is no music, no loud conversations or laughter. The pathways and benches between buildings are oddly empty. On the lawn where the North Academic Center (NAC) meets Amsterdam Avenue, there are only black-clad…

My Time at The Indypendent Gave Me a Future in Journalism That I Thought Was Closed to Someone Like Myself

I started writing for The Indypendent because I found out the paper was mostly staffed by volunteers and figured they couldn’t afford to reject me. Despite my bachelor’s degree in journalism, I felt like I left college empty-handed — in fact, so convinced was I of my own deficits that I hardly…

Bugs. Even at the home of the parents …

Via Dark Nights In mid -April, in the Treviso area, a bug in the kitchen of the parents of our partner (of the Trentino anarchist environment) was accidentally found. The gadget was connected to the refrigerator power outlet, and is made up of microphone, two antennas and SIM card. In these times of…

Crackdown in Copenhagen

If you’ve been following what The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund for any length of time, this is going to sound all-too familiar to you. This time, anti-fascists in Copenhagen planned and ran a peaceful and well-organized May 1st demonstration in solidarity with the colonized people of Palestine…

BlazeTV’s Lauren Chen Interviews Self-Described ‘Raging Antisemite’ Keith Woods

On Wednesday, BlazeTV host Lauren Chen continued her streak of interviewing white nationalists and antisemites by speaking to Keith Woods. Woods — real name Keith O’Brien — is an Irish white nationalist and self-described “raging antisemite” who’s spoken at white supremacist gatherings, and…

A Virtual Tour of Priamukhino…

From CrimethInc. ...the Bakunin Family Estate and Museum To observe the 210th birthday of the Russian anarchist Mikhail Bakunin, we present a photoessay and virtual tour of his birthplace and family home, Priamukhino, including the museum documenting his life and the lives of his relatives and friends…

Prague Congress Report – Part 2

“Together Against Capitalist Wars and Against Capitalist Peace!”  May 2024. After a promising start on Wednesday 22nd, things appeared to fall apart on Thursday.  After an event hosted by Kites not Drones, news of cancellations came as the original Congress Centre, secured, and paid for in February…

2:00PM Water Cooler 5/31/2024

By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day Eastern Phoebe, Leo’s House, Lumpkin, Georgia, United States. “Leo’s House” is such a great location. Is there a person named Leo, who has a house? (Lumpkin has a historic preservation program, so it’s possible there is a house named “Leo’s…

Tory victory.

Election special, Final Results Tories winHerr Starmer sworn in as supreme leader. His first statement as supreme leader was that we would protect the people from extremist and arrest Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbot for crimes against the state. Herr Starmer also  promised to protect the state from…

Brooklyn, New York City: Comrades Destroy NYPD Bus (USA)

Eat It, Eric Adams The night before last we set a police bus on fire as a peaceful protest against the cops for their repression of anti-genocide demonstrators and activists against Cop City (a plague of a project attempting to emerge all over the country, including New Jersey). The NYPD are violent…

Pößneck (Germany): “It’s better to make a disorder…”.

“It’s better to make a disorder…”. The small town of Pößneck, some thirty kilometers south of the city of Jena (in the Thuringia region), is not known for its mischief, to say the least. Unlike its little sister, Jena’s walls have, over the centuries, endured the fury of peasant rebels who…

Surviving the Crash

Crash. Whenever I post on TikTok, I have no aspirations or expectations of going viral. I'm grateful when my work has more reach than I anticipated. Still, virality comes with its headaches, as my videos travel beyond a like-minded audience. Some people enjoy arguing and rigorous debate online, but that's…

Biden Authorizes Ukraine to Make “Limited” Strikes on Russia With US Weapons

As the pundit classes have been consumed with the implications of the 34 count conviction of Donald Trump in New York, the Biden Administration has authorized crossing a big Russia red line, that of using US (and other foreign) weapons to hit targets in Russia. The New York Times’ version of the decision…

Canada’s class war pantomime

Last month, in the wake of massive layoffs at Bell Media, MPs from every political party lined up at a parliamentary committee to face off against the company’s CEO Mirko Bibic. Conservative MP Rachel Thomas smiled gamely. “Is it justified that you just laid off 6,100 employees when you have received…

COVID wiped out 10 years of life expectancy gains

The latest edition of the World Health Statistics, released on May 24 by the World Health Organization, reveals that the COVID-19 pandemic reversed the trend of steady gain in life expectancy at birth and healthy life expectancy at birth. The pandemic wiped out nearly a decade of progress in improving…

Which Makes the Greater Savage, the Blanket or the Uniform? – Emily G. Taylor (1902)

[Note that article content includes graphic descriptions of violence against Indigenous persons and racist terminology. -M.Gouldhawke] From ‘Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Thought, Work, and Literature’, March 9, 1902, Chicago Is civilization the result of a particular fashion in clothing…

Mexico: Zionist fascist embassy set on fire

Reports also that 2 days ago the Israeli consulate was burned to the ground with molotovs in Istanbul, all in response to the massacre unfolding in Rafah, Gaza by the Israeli fascist state.Palestine

Chalie Allison talks about No Harmless Power at the Upstate Anarchist Book Fair

By Essential Dissent Get the book Listen HERE Support Essential Dissent Podcast Lively, incendiary, and inspiring, No Harmless Power follows the life of Nestor Makhno, who organized a seven-million-strong anarchist polity during the Russian Civil War and developed Platformist anarchism during his exile…

Genoa, Italy: Benefit per le compane arrestate il 4 Maggio – 1 Giugno, H 21:00

DN Note From: Radio Onda D’urto Repression: Eight anarchists arrested of Ex Latteria Occupata in Genoa On the night between Friday and Saturday 8 people were violently arrested by the carabinieri in front of Ex Latteria Occupata (the former dairy occupation) of Stradone Sant’Agostino in Genoa with…

Italy: Demonstration following the arrests of 3 May (Genoa, 31 May 2024)

On Friday 3 May eight people were arrested in front of Ex Latteria Occupata with the accusations of aggravated resistance and injuries and for one of the people also outraged and refusal to provide general information. Those who were there that evening is well aware how power works. He knows how absurd…

Treviso, Italy: Bugs. Even at the home of the parents …

In mid -April, in the Treviso area, a bug in the kitchen of the parents of our partner (of the Trentino anarchist environment) was accidentally found. The gadget was connected to the refrigerator power outlet, and is made up of microphone, two antennas and SIM card. In these times of social and technological…

Links 5/31/2024

Aposiopesis’: Watch 12-year-old win US Spelling Bee BBC How the Guinness Brewery Invented the Most Important Statistical Method in Science Scientific American JP Morgan Launches Fractional Shares For Self-Directed Investors Finance Feeds. “With the latest capability, investors can buy a fraction…

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